CMIC Collabcenter

Log In to CMIC

Getting Started

The process of getting started as a collaborator in CMiC will be kicked off by your SwinertonProject Manager.

  1. First your SwinertonProject Manager will request Collaborator access on your behalf.
  2. You will then receive an email from SwinertonInformation Technology notifying you that CMiC access has been granted and the URL for the CMiC environment.
  3. Your user ID and password will be provided in a separate email.
  4. Once you have received these two emails, you can log into the system to verify your access.
  5. Review the How-To’s based on your role on the project.  If you need additional assistance, reach out to your Swinertoncontact.
  6. Begin using CMiC on your project!


Each Swinertonproject team will designate someone on their team to be a support representative for their collaborators.  This representative will be a liaison between the collaboration users and SwinertonBusiness Technology, SwinertonCMiC Training resources and the CMiC Support group. Please contact your Swinertonteam support representative with any CMiC questions or concerns. If you do not know who your Swinertonsupport representative is, please contact your SwinertonProject Manager.

If you are having troubles with your username or password, please contact your SwinertonProject Manager.

How To’s

CMiC How To’s instructional documents and videos are being re-created to reflect the most recent upgrade.  Please reach out to your Swinertonproject team for assistance. 

Change Your Password

Minimum Requirements to Run CMiC:

  • Google Chrome, Edge or Firefox
  • Add as a “Trusted Site” in your preferred browsers.
  • An active email address